So this morning I got up and got ready to head to the gym. Daniel watched the boys so I could go work out. It was so nice to get out. I called my mom on the way to let her know about the wreck and see how her evening was. I was sitting in the car, outside of the gym, when suddenly I was hit with the need for a restroom. I'm not normally caught of off guard so I knew I needed to find one immediately. I got off the phone and headed inside. I definitely needed a bathroom, if you know what I mean. Lets just I had placed my cell phone on the top of the round toilet paper dispenser, as I always do. Now a quick explanation about this phone. It has been thru a lot....the bathtub, toilet, and dropped numerous times. It's still workin', although the screen doesn't. So, I have no idea who is calling me unless I have the sun shining on it at just the right angle. I have been, for a long time, resisting getting a new one. Why? I would rather buy an outfit. Back to my story. So after relieving myself, I pulled on the toilet paper. The plastic round dispenser fell down on me. Then, I heard a splash. Crap. Literally. I then remembered th
at my cell phone had been on top. I stood up and sure enough.....and it had to come out. For a split second I did think about just flushing. But then, how would I explain if/when it started overflowing?
After I got home we headed to Verizon.
We then went to Arab and spent the rest of the day with Daniel's family. While we were there, Evan seemed to come down with the head cold that Daniel had just gotten over. He has a fever, poor baby. Hopefully he'll wake up feeling better in the morning.
Also, I wanted to post a couple more things.....this is for you, Jen. Over the weekend, I had my sister color my virgin hair. This is the result. A little darker and a little redder. It was a little tough to get used to but thankfully not many people have noticed, which is the reaction I was going for. I wanted something that looked fairly natural. We'll see if I keep it like this, but it was a fun change.
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